Accused's Penis Measured In New Zealand Indecency Trial

David Scott, an elected councillor from Kapiti, has pleaded not guilty.Wellington, New Zealand:  A man had his
penis measured in a New Zealand courthouse on Tuesday after the woman accusing him of indecent assault gave evidence about the size of his
member, reports said.David Scott, an elected councillor from Kapiti, near Wellington, has pleaded not guilty to rubbing his genitals against
a female council staffer at a function last year.The woman said the object she felt touch her back was four to five inches (10-12
centimetres) long, the news site reported.In a highly unusual move, judge Peter Hobbs then allowed Scott's doctor to take the
72-year-old to the court's holding cells to measure his penis with a wooden ruler.Hobbs suppressed the resulting measurement from public
disclosure, Radio New Zealand reported.Scott's defence argues that the complainant, who has not been named, felt his wallet accidentally
touch her as he moved past.But the accuser said the offending object pressing into her back could not have been a wallet, phone or insulin
kit, and was in fact male genitalia.The trial continues.(This story has not been edited by TheIndianSubcontinent staff and is auto-generated
from a syndicated feed.)