Instagram now lets you mute accounts

Instagram today introduced a way to mute accounts, giving users a way to continue following accounts without seeing their posts all the
time. Muted accounts will not be made aware that they&ve been muted, and users can unmute accounts at any time
Users can still see posts on the muted account profile page and get notified about comments or posts they&re tagged in. Users can mute
accounts by tapping the &…& in the corner of the post and choosing between muting posts, stories, or posts and stories. First and
foremost, this continues Instagram effort to block bullying and harassment on the social network
While users have had the ability to block accounts for a long time, muting is a next step in blocking out someone without any of the
consequences that might come from blocking them. This could also come in handy for folks going through a break-up or some other social
split, as they don&t necessarily want to see every single post from their ex but don&t want to be seen unfollowing them either. Of course,
the broader demographic will simply have more control over Instagram algorithmic feed, which prioritizes accounts and posts it thinks you
will like (read: promotes engagement at all costs). The algorithmic feed has added a layer of complexity to Instagram, making users think
more cautiously about the way they throw around likes
Posts, and accounts, that you like may very well get top billing in your feed because of it, even if you only liked the post to show friends
some love. Muting gives users a bit more control over what they see regardless of what they&ve liked or what Instagram algorithm deems