Okta’s PassProtect checks your passwords with ‘Have I Been Pwned’

Okta just launched a free browser extension for Google Chrome today
After installing PassProtect, your browser will compare the passwords you type with Troy Hunt Have I Been Pwned. This extension isn&t
necessarily for you, tech savvy readers of TechCrunch
But it could be a great way to warn your neighbor who doesn&t know anything about computers
Maybe their Gmail password has been part of a data breach. Have I Been Pwned is a big database with all the passwords that have leaked over
the years
There have been security breaches at Dropbox, LinkedIn, Tumblr or Adobe services
So chances are you&ve been pwned in the past. That why you should be using a password manager, a different password for each online service
and two-factor authentication when it possible
And that also why many companies rely on Okta to secure your authentication to a company intranet. But the vast majority of users don&t do
that. So the next time you visit your relatives, you could install this extension for basic security checks
The extension uses k-Anonimity to check your password against Hunt database securely
Your passwords are never shared with Okta or Have I Been Pwned
The extension is also open source.