Donkey Kong champion loses title for 'using emulator'

Image copyrightGetty ImagesImage caption Billy Mitchell was Donkey Kong world champion The Donkey Kong
world champion has been stripped of a record he set for the 1981 arcade classic following claims he did not use an original machine.Twin
Galaxies, which tracks video games records, believes that Billy Mitchell's 1,047,200 score on the original Donkey Kong was achieved using an
An emulator is a computer program that replicates an arcade or console machine
Twin Galaxies was alerted by Donkey Kong forum moderator Jeremy Young
Mr Young suspected that images seen in a video of Mr Mitchell's Donkey Kong world record run were impossible to generate on an arcade
machine.He believed that the game must have been played on an emulator.Twin Galaxies then did its its own investigations, which led it to
conclude that Mr Mitchell had not used the original arcade machine
In a post on its findings, Twin Galaxies said: "Based on the complete body of evidence presented in this official dispute thread, Twin
Galaxies administrative staff has unanimously decided to remove all of Billy Mitchell's scores as well as ban him from participating in our
competitive leaderboards."We have notified Guinness World Records of our decision."The BBC has contacted Mr Mitchell for comment.Image
copyrightInphoImage caption Steve Wiebe is the new Donkey Kong world record holder As well as conducting
its own investigation, Twin Galaxies said it had taken into account at least two different third-party inquiries which came to "identical
conclusions".It concluded: "With this ruling, Twin Galaxies can no longer recognise Billy Mitchell as the first million-point Donkey Kong
record holder
"It said that record would now be bestowed on another gamer, Steve Wiebe.