Body-Cam Video Shows Police Officer Fatally Shooting Naked Man

The release of the videos by Richmond police did little to comfort Marcus-David Peters' family
A Richmond, Virginia, police officer is under investigation after he shot and killed an
unarmed naked man who lunged at him during a confrontation earlier this month.Videos released by the Richmond Police Department showed a
visibly disturbed Marcus-David Peters screaming and walking toward officer Michael Nyantakyi
He fired his stun gun several times, but Peters kept charging
Seconds later, Nyantakyi fired two rounds from his firearm, striking Peters twice in the abdomen
Peters died later at a hospital."It was all said and done in 18 seconds, ladies and gentlemen
That's fast
That's important," Richmond Police Chief Alfred Durham told reporters at a news conference Friday, when his department released videos that
showed the last minutes of Peters' life, adding that the unusual disclosure was in the interest of transparency
"I only wish that we could've helped Mr
Peters Unfortunately, the situation didn't turn out that way.But the release of the videos did little to comfort Peters's family and
friends, who said the man they saw in those videos was not the man they knew
The footage also had not answered the family's lingering questions about the events that led to an unarmed man's killing at the hands of a
police officer."Marcus needed help, not death," his sister, Princess Blanding, told reporters shortly after the videos were released Friday
"The body-camera footage released by Richmond Police Department today confirmed what I already knew
Marcus was unarmed, clearly in distress and in need of help
And instead of receiving help, he received two fatal bullets."The May 14 officer-involved shooting in the Virginia capital about 110 miles
south of Washington, D.C., raises familiar questions about when fatal force is necessary, and prompted calls from Peters's family to change
police-department policies
Questions also remain about how a 24-year-old high school biology teacher with no criminal history, and whose family said had no history of
mental illness or substance abuse, ended up naked on the street, screaming belligerently at a police officer.Minutes before he was shot,
shortly after 5 p.m., Peters arrived at the Jefferson Hotel in downtown Richmond, where he worked part-time as a security guard
Surveillance footage showed Peters in a light-pink shirt and pants getting out of his car at the hotel entrance
As he walked in the lobby, Peter took his shirt off and dropped it on the floor
He was later seen in what appears to be a security staff backroom, where he talked to an employee
Later, he was running toward his car, naked.Peters drove for a few minutes on Belvidere Street, a major artery that leads to an on-ramp to
the interstate, rear-ending two vehicles and sideswiping another on the way, Durham told reporters
As he reached the on-ramp, Peters lost control of his car and slammed into a tree line
At that point, Nyantakyi arrived.In the body-camera footage, Nyantakyi can be heard talking into his radio, as he stood several feet behind
Peters' car, his weapon drawn."Male seems to be mentally unstable as we speak," he said.Peters got out of his car's window, feet first, and
ran toward the street in front of oncoming traffic
He fell to the ground after a car struck him
As he stumbled, he began rolling on the street in the middle of traffic
A few minutes later, he stood up and began walking toward Nyantakyi, who fired his stun gun and later, his firearm, shooting Peters at close
range.As Peters was lying on the grass, several officers were seen standing around him
Durham said the officers were rendering aid
Nyantakyi, who had told another officer that he used his stun gun on Peters but it "didn't work," appears to be a few feet away
He can be heard breathing heavily.Medics arrived about five minutes after Peters was shot
He died around midnight, Durham said.Nyantakyi, a 10-year veteran with the police department, has been placed on paid administrative leave
pending the outcome of the investigation of the officer's use of deadly force
The city's commonwealth's attorney will decide whether to bring charges.Durham said the police department showed the videos to Peters's
family a few days before releasing them to the media.At the nearly hour-long news conference Friday, Durham extended condolences to Peters'
family, while also acknowledging the "emotional toll" on Nyantakyi and his family
He largely declined to answer questions about the incident or about department protocol, citing the pending investigation
Instead, he asked the public and media to let the investigation run its course.Releasing body-camera footage has not been his department's
practice, Durham said."However, there is just so much misinformation and speculation out there about what actually happened," he said
"I feel it is my duty and responsibility as the chief of police to let everyone see it, in the interest of transparency."Toward the end of
the news conference, Durham, appearing frustrated, said his officers are often placed in impossible situations that require them to "wear
different hats.""I looked at what it would take to become a psychologist, psychiatrist, mental-health counselor
Five to eight years of training
Our police department gives our officers 40 hours
Five to eight years, and we get 40 hours," he told reporters
" People expect us to go out there and get it right And when incidents come like this, and folks just want to beat us up without having
all the facts, that hurts, ladies and gentlemen
It hurts the morale of the men and women on my department, and it hurts me.""We want a fair and through investigation," he added
"Do not pass judgment
If you do, shame on you."Shortly after the news conference, Peters' family spoke to the media, raising questions about Nyantakyi's
actions."Nothing justifies Marcus not being here
He will never get the opportunity to tell his side of the story," Blanding, Peters' sister, told reporters.Blanding asked why Nyantakyi
"proceeded to engage" Peters despite knowing that he was mentally unstable
She asked why Nyantakyi, after the shooting, told another officer that fatal force might again be necessary.Peters taught biology at Essex
High School, in Tappahannock, Virginia, nearly 50 miles from Richmond
Shortly after his death, students placed handwritten notes on his classroom door
"Fly high Mr
Peters, Rest in Peace, guide us through high school and we will make you proud," read one note, according to CBS affiliate WTVR.According to
the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Peters taught a full day of classes on May 14 and made the long drive home to Henrico County, where he lived
with his girlfriend
He left home again at about 5 p.m
Minutes later, he was seen at the Jefferson Hotel.Blanding, an assistant principal at Essex High School, told the Times-Dispatch that
nothing about her brother's life and behavior suggested he would die the way he did
She called for a change in police-department policies that she said have often led to violent treatment of people of color
Both Peters and Nyantakyi are black."They didn't have to kill him," Blanding told the paper
"Nikolas Cruz killed 17 people at the Parkland shooting; Travis Jeffrey Reinking killed four people in a Tennessee Waffle House; Dylann Roof
killed nine people in Charleston
They were all armed, and they received restraint
They didn't receive death."Nationwide, police have shot and killed 987 people in 2017, according to The Washington Post's database of police
A quarter of those incidents involved mental illness
Police have fatally shot 412 so far this year; 70 of these incidents involved mental illness.(This story has not been edited by
TheIndianSubcontinent staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)