Pinterest is continuing its push into video as a potential avenue for advertisers by today saying that it will offer advertisers a promoted
video tool that takes up the width of the entire screen.While Pinterest normally offers users a grid that they can flip through —
compressing a lot of content into a small space — taking up the full width of the screen with a promoted video would offer advertisers
considerable real estate if they’re looking to get the attention of users
Pinterest pitches itself to advertisers as a strong alternative to Facebook or Google, giving marketers a way to reach an audience that
behaves a little more differently than when on those other platforms and coming to Pinterest to discover new things.The company also said
it’s hired Tina Pukonen as an entertainment strategist and Mike Chuthakieo as an industry sales lead
Pinterest says more than 42 million people in the U.S
come to Pinterest for entertainment ideas, and that potential tool offers an interesting niche opportunity for advertisers to capture the
attention of a user for a product — say, a movie — that needs a lot of awareness marketing
Getting a user’s attention for just a few seconds can be more than enough time to at least plant the seed of potentially buying a product
down the line.It’s that argument that what gives Pinterest potential value for advertisers
The company offers an array of advertising products designed to target users at all phases of a potential buying cycle, whether that’s
just clicking around on the platform looking for ideas down to actually saving an idea or buying it — through Pinterest or through a
referral. Most of Pinterest’s content consists of images and other content from brands or businesses
That makes sense given that it’s a place where people tend to go to plan life events, whether that’s parties, or weddings, or home
improvement — and those events center around products that they may in theory one day buy
All the while Pinterest is accumulating a lot of different plays at advertising products and an experienced level of senior hires, including
hiring its first COO Françoise Brougher, who was the former VP of SMB global sales and operations at Google and business lead at
Square.Pinterest, interestingly, seems to have been a little more tolerant of making what might seem like small design changes but may have
substantial user implications
The company added a tab for followers at the bottom of the app, shaking up what is often seen as a core navigation bar for any app
But the company continues to grow, crossing 200 million monthly active users in September last year.