"Speed Dating": Critics Worry Trump's Handing Propaganda Wins To N. Korea

Kim Yong Chol presented Donald Trump with an envelope containing a letter from Kim Jong UnWashignton:  When
former president Bill Clinton traveled to North Korea in 2009 on a humanitarian mission to free two American journalists, he delivered
strict instructions to his team ahead of their meeting with dictator Kim Jong Il: "We're not smiling.In several photos, including a formal
portrait with their hosts in Pyongyang, Clinton and his aides kept their game faces on - looking serious and determined, befitting the tone
of the mission, according to a person familiar with the trip.President Donald Trump took a decidedly different approach on Friday when he
welcomed a North Korean official to the White House for the first such meeting in 18 years
Trump beamed as Kim Yong Chol - a former spy chief accused of masterminding the sinking of a South Korean navy vessel in 2010 that killed 46
sailors - presented him with a cartoonishly oversize envelope containing a letter from Kim Jong Un, the nation's current dictator.The two
posed for a photo in the Oval Office with Trump proudly showing off the envelope - an image that White House aides promptly distributed to
the public. Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo pose with Kim Yong Chol of North Korea after a meeting in Oval Office.The warm display left some
former U.S
officials who've negotiated with NorthKorea arguing that Trump had already handed Pyongyang another public relations victory before winning
concessions on its nuclear program."No question this is speed dating," said Christopher Hill, a former State Department diplomat who led the
delegation in the Six-Party Talks with NorthKorea during the George W
Bush administration
He recalled being rebuffed in his bid to personally deliver a letter from Bush to Kim Jong Il - in a standard business-size envelope.By
contrast, Hill said, the North Koreans already "have gotten the whole enchilada" from Trump.The question of how to engage with a brutal,
authoritarian regime has been a challenge for most presidents, but it has taken on heightened sensitivity as Trump prepares to meet Kim Jong
Un in Singapore on June 12
No sitting president has ever met with a North Korean leader, and the summit will produce images that ricochet instantly around the
globe.For Trump - an impulsive and demonstrative president whose macho handshakes, scowls and thumbs-up poses are tailor-made for social
media memes - the risk over his interactions with Kim go beyond the private talks at the bargaining table, former U.S
officials said."Photo ops of the two together, smiling, those are disseminated in North Korea to show the two leaders are equal," said Bill
Richardson, the former U.S
ambassador to the United Nations who met with several dictators, including Iraq's Saddam Hussein, and made several trips to Pyongyang
"Trump should avoid the propaganda, the one-on-one smiling and hugging."Yet Trump views the photos as a victory, too - a symbol that he is
willing to discard the diplomatic conventions that have limited his predecessors and stymied their attempts to curb North Korea's nuclear
White House aides said Trump's sudden decision in March to agree to the summit was made with the confidence that his own negotiating skills
would quickly pay greater dividends than three decades of failed lower-level talks.Time and again, Trump has also upended the more cautious
diplomatic approaches of his predecessors in showing warmth toward authoritarian figures.He treated Chinese President Xi Jinping to "the
most beautiful piece of chocolate cake" during a lavish summit at Mar-a-Lago last year
He praised Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, who has presided over the extrajudicial killings of thousands of suspected drug dealers,
for doing an "unbelievable job on the drug problem."And Trump applauded Russian President Vladimir Putin in March for winning another term
even though national security aides warned him in writing, "DO NOT CONGRATULATE," because the election was viewed as heavily
manipulated."The Trump thesis of international diplomacy is the Trump thesis of New York real estate dealmaking, which is that step one is
to establish a personal - individual or family to family - close relationship with your mark," said Daniel Russel, who served as a top Asia
policy official in the Obama administration
"You build trust, don't talk business, establish camaraderie and allow the Trump charisma to steep and marinate to soften them up."White
House aides have emphasized that Trump's aim is to keep the door open to working with rival leaders on shared challenges despite their
Trump's meeting with Kim Yong Chol was a reciprocal gesture after Kim Jong Un met twice with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Pyongyang,
the aides said.It was not the first such meeting in the Oval Office
In October 2000, Clinton welcomed Jo Myong Rok, a top North Korean military official, who also presented Clinton with a letter from Kim Jong
But Clinton ultimately rejected Kim's invitation to a summit in Pyongyang.Trump critics call his approach to foreign policy inconsistent and
naive, handing his rivals unintended victories by allowing his instincts to undermine his own administration's strategy
On Friday, Trump said that, in the spirit of the diplomatic talks, he would no longer use the phrase "maximum pressure" to describe the
administration's policy of economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation - even as his aides have vowed to keep the pressure on.Historian
Robert Dallek said presidents traditionally have been mindful of the optics when meeting authoritarian leaders
He pointed to President Dwight Eisenhower's aides cautioning him not to smile for photos during a meeting with Soviet Union officials after
Joseph Stalin's death."They were very mindful of not wanting to appear to friendly and maybe taken into camp by the Soviet leaders," Dallek
"In terms of domestic politics, it's a dangerous game if you seem to be too cozy with someone who has been your adversary."With Trump, he
added, "there's a feeling that he is so inexperienced and lacking in understanding of what he's dealing with
Certainly, he knows he's dealing with a dictatorial regime, but he seems to be so driven by his own desire for kudos and celebration of his
own achievements."In 2016, President Barack Obama visited Havana as part of his administration's restoration of diplomatic relations with
Cuba after more than half a century
At the end of a joint news conference, Cuban leader Raul Castro attempted to raise Obama's arm in triumph, but Obama let his arm go limp.An
Obama aide told reporters that he had sought to deny Castro an "iconic photo" because the two sides still had significant disagreements.For
years, Trump and other Republicans had criticized Obama for cozying up to dictators and looking feckless and weak on the world stage
But after meeting with Kim Yong Chol for more than 90 minutes, Trump said the two did not discuss human rights - even though the Kim family
regime has imprisoned tens of thousands of North Koreans in hard-labor camps and abducted American, Japanese and South Korean citizens."I
don't do any more penance to these Republicans," said Hill, the former diplomat who was second-guessed during his negotiations with North
"I did my best, held to a pretty hard line, but these guys complained we were appeasing North Korea
Where are they now"(This story has not been edited by TheIndianSubcontinent staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)