Bill Clinton: 'I Wouldn't' Handle Lewinsky Scandal Any Differently Today

Bill Clinton noted that there had been negative consequences for him related to the episode.
Former President Bill Clinton said in an interview that aired Monday that he would not
handle the Monica Lewinsky scandal any differently today, even in light of the #MeToo movement, and that he never privately apologized to
the former White House intern with whom he had a sexual relationship."If the facts were the same today, I wouldn't," Clinton told NBC New's
"Today" correspondent Craig Melvin when asked if he would have approached the accusations against him any differently today."I don't think
it would be an issue," Clinton said
"Because people would be using the facts instead of the imagined facts
[A] lot of the facts have been conveniently omitted to make the story work.In an interview that turned testy, Clinton said that he had
apologized "to everybody in the world" for the 20-year-old episode but acknowledged he had not spoken directly to Lewinsky about the
affair."I've never talked to her," Clinton said
"But I did say, publicly, on more than one occasion, that I was sorry
That's very different
The apology was public."Clinton also noted that there had been negative consequences for him related to the episode, which led to his
impeachment by the House but acquittal by the Senate."Nobody believes that I got out of that for free," he said
"I left the White House $16 million in debt
"Clinton sat for the interview to promote his new novel with author James Patterson titled "The President is Missing."(This story has not
been edited by TheIndianSubcontinent staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)