Eid – ul –Adha: Hajj Festival today

Muslims across the world celebrate Eid & ul & Adha hajj festival whilst millions of people gather in the holy city of Makkah in Saudi
Arabia to perform hajj
Eid & ul & Adha also known as the ‘festival of sacrifice&, the observance commemorates the Prophet Ibrahim readiness to sacrifice his son
in order to demonstrate his dedication to Almighty Allah
Eid & ul & Adha hajj festival takes places on the 10th day of the final month of the Islamic lunar calendar Dhul & Hajj, &which is the 12th
and most sacred month of the Islamic year during which observant Muslims travel to holy city of Makkah for hajj
Hajj is the pilgrimage to holy city of Makkah and all able-bodied adults in Islamic faith are expected to complete hajj at least once in
their lifetime.