Tick-tock: Hurry and apply to TC Top Picks @ Disrupt Berlin 2019

Early-stage startup founders know that M-Ms are essential ingredients for startup success
We’re not talking about the melt-in-your-mouth-not-in-your-hand confection; we’re talking money and media.Apply to be a TC Top Pick at
Disrupt Berlin 2019 and — if you make the cut — you’ll receive a free Startup Alley Exhibitor Package, the VIP treatment and plenty
of exposure to both media and investors.Don’t wait — the application deadline is 18 October at 12 p.m
Apply to be a TC Top Pick right now.We’ll get into the details of how to apply in a moment, but here’s an example of why you should
Jana Rosenfelder, co-founder of Actijoy, found real value in her Top Pick experience at Disrupt SF 2018.“Being a TC Top Pick was a
door-opener, because the media paid so much attention
It made a big impression with people who visited our booth
Whenever I mentioned we were a Top Pick, it was like a trigger
It gave us more credibility, and everyone listened to us.”You’re eligible to apply if your early-stage startup falls into one of the
following tech categories: AI/Machine Learning, Biotech/Healthtech, Blockchain, Fintech, Mobility, Privacy/Security, Retail/E-commerce,
Robotics/IoT/Hardware, CRM/Enterprise and Education.TC Top Picks is a competitive process, and TechCrunch editors review the applications
looking for interesting startups that show solid potential
They’ll choose up to five startups for each category.All TC Top Pick startups receive a free Startup Alley Exhibitor Package, which
includes one full day exhibiting in a dedicated space within Startup Alley — the Disrupt expo floor teeming with opportunity
Your package also includes access to the programming on all stages (including the Startup Battlefield competition), three Founder passes,
the complete attendee list (via TC Events Mobile App), the list of attending press, use of the Startup Alley Exhibitor Lounge and
CrunchMatch — our business networking platform.Plus, a TechCrunch editor will interview each Top Pick live on our Showcase Stage, and
we’ll promote that video across our social media platforms, which can help drive traffic to your site
It’s a marketing gift that keeps on giving.As if that weren’t enough, you might pull a Legacy
Each exhibiting startup has a shot at being chosen as a Wild Card and competing in the Startup Battlefield
Last year, Legacy earned the Wild Card slot, and then went on to win the Startup Battlefield competition.Disrupt Berlin 2019 takes
place on 11-12 December, and this is your chance to bask in the attention of investors and global media
Apply to be a TC Top Pick before the clock runs out on 18 October at 12 p.m
(PT).Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at Disrupt Berlin 2019? Contact our sponsorship sales team by filling out this