Todoist releases major update to simplify task management

Bootstrapped tech company Doist, the company behind popular task management Todoist, is releasing a major update called Todoist Foundations
— the update should be rolled out over the next 24 hours
As the name suggests, it lays foundations for many new features down the road.But there are already some interesting improvements
Task lists in Todoist don’t have to be an endless list of checkboxes anymore
You can now create sections in your projects
You can then move tasks from one section to another, and collapse sections when you don’t need to see them.Down the road, those sections
could play a bigger role
For instance, a project could have sections representing multiple steps to achieve a task
You could imagine other views that let you move a task from one step to another.When it comes to labels, they are now sorted in two
categories — your personal labels and shared labels with other co-workers.Todoist has also added a new task view on desktop and mobile
that centralizes everything you can do related to a task
You can modify the due date and priority level, see comments, add labels and more
Even better, you can see all the subtasks associated with a specific task in this new view.When it comes to mobile-specific improvements,
the quick add bar has been overhauled
Quick add has always been one of my favorite features in Todoist
For instance, you can type “Send contract tomorrow at 9am @bestclient #work” to create a “Send contract” task in the “work”
project, with a due date and the label “bestclient.”Todoist first added buttons on mobile to surface those features and make them more
The company is simplifying the bar as it got really busy
It now displays existing due dates, projects and assignees in buttons directly
There are now fewer icons for less-important features.Todoist also borrowed a feature from Things 3 with the plus button
You can now drag and drop the plus button anywhere in a list to add a new task in the middle of the list
That feature is incredibly useful.Behind the scene, everything should be faster as well
Finally, Todoist updated icons and its color palette.