New police drones deployed to find missing people

Image caption Drones are an increasingly common sight and, outwardly, this one is no different Police
Scotland has unveiled a new aerial drone system to help in searches for missing and vulnerable people
The remotely-piloted aircraft system (RPAS) can see things we can't to try to work out where people are
It uses advanced cameras and neural computer networks to spot someone it is looking for - from "a speck" up to 150 metres away.Its
recognition software is compact enough to be run on a phone, with the technology learning as it goes
"The drone itself has very special sensors on it," said Insp Nicholas Whyte, of Police Scotland's air support unit
"There's a very highly-powered optical camera which can allow us to see things quite clearly from a good height
Also, there's a thermal imaging sensor which detects heat
"We're there to find people
People who need our help or people who are lost." Image caption The drone has a high-powered optical camera
The system is the result of a collaboration involving Police Scotland, the technology multinational Thales and the University of the
West of Scotland (UWS)
The matchmaker in the partnership is CENSIS, one of Scotland's eight not-for-profit innovation centres
The CENSIS remit is to bring together private businesses and the public sector to exploit advances in sensing, imaging and the so-called
Internet of Things
Drones are an increasingly common sight
Outwardly, this one looks no different apart from - almost inevitably - a flashing blue light
But the data this drone gathers is processed in real time
The software can discern a person, animal or vehicle from just a handful of pixels in a huge moving colour image
How? Because they taught it to
Image caption The drone has a flashing blue light to alert people to its presence Prof Carl Schaschke,
dean of the School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences at UWS, said it could spot someone from up to 150 metres away."It does
that by being shown images, multiple images, time and time again until it recognises what the objects are from pretty much any orientation,"
he said
The term artificial intelligence may conjure up images of Terminator-like thinking robots
But in this case it means a machine that can learn
The team taught it using hundreds of hours of footage of police officers in different clothing, positions and situations
And there's another breakthrough
"It doesn't require sophisticated supercomputing," Prof Schaschke said
"It really is quite a low-cost approach to this - it simply uses a mobile phone."A search needs just two police officers to operate it: one
to fly the drone, the other to use the recognition software
Image caption A search needs two police officers: one to fly the drone, the other to use the recognition software.
Thales' technology and innovation lead Dr Barry Connor said the system had been designed to ease the burden on its users.He
said: "That's very important in order to reduce the cognitive burden, with operators having a deluge of data."Being able to operate
something on a mobile platform in real time is a breakthrough." Police Scotland has already deployed three of the drones across Scotland
and the system's formal launch will come on Thursday at the annual CENSIS technology summit in Glasgow
Technology of this kind inevitably raises questions of privacy and civil liberties, but Insp Whyte is adamant that this is not a spy drone
"This is a very overt policing tool," he said
"We're not hiding anything
It's there to help people, it's there to find people
"We'll comply fully with all the human rights legislation - in fact a data protection impact assessment has been carried out and we review
that yearly
Also, before we deploy we'll use social media to tell the public this is what we're doing
"So we're very open and transparent about how we deploy the drones."There is another way in which people will be alerted that one of the
drones is approaching: it makes a bit of a racket
Its four rotors produce a sound like an angry garden strimmer
Nothing like as ear-splitting as a low-flying plane, but enough to tip you the wink that it's in the area
If you're lost or in need of help, that could be a very welcome noise indeed