Mumbai: A man littering on a road got an unexpected lesson today
Bollywood star Anushka Sharma stopped her car and gave piece of mind to a man after he threw garbage on the road.In video tweeted by Virat
Kohli, Anushka is seen asking a man in a car next to her's, "Why are you throwing garbage on the road" After the sudden encounter, the man
was taken aback.Anushka can be heard further saying, "Please be careful, you can't just throw plastic around on the streets." Along with the
video Virat Kohli, her husband and India's cricket captain, wrote, "Saw these people throwing garbage on the road pulled them up rightfully
Travelling in a luxury car and brains gone for a toss
These people will keep our country clean Yeah right! If you see something wrong happening like this, do the same spread awareness." The
video went viral within a few minutes and celebrities like Karan Johar retweeting it said, "This is the order of the day!! Well done
@AnushkaSharma !!However, there sharp reactions to the video with many poking fun at Virat
On This, he wrote: "Lot of people who don't have the courage to do something like this find it funny
Everything for people nowadays is meme content