Wayback Wednesday: The fobbit

Pilot fish is deployed at a small military base in the desert in Iraq when a lone on-site IT engineer arrives
And he very gung-ho.&He was tired of being a mere fobbit — someone who never leaves the FOB (forward operating base),& says fish
&He too wanted to be able to brag about his time ‘outside the wire,& so he came up with a novel excuse.&The base has a small wireless
network using WEP encryption, and the engineer decides he has to make sure the network isn&t being cracked and monitored by insurgents.Which
isn&t a bad idea, except that 1) the base is in flat desert and any outsider is easy to spot; 2) wireless just doesn&t have much range; and
3) &I miss you, honey& emails aren&t exactly top-secret material.