MACLUNKEY! The Han/Greedo scene has an inexplicable change on Disney+ because George Lucas will never stop changing it

Who shot first? Han? Greedo? Who cares
MACLUNKEY! Disney+ launched this morning, and with it comes a mostly inexplicable change to one of cinema most debated scenes — the
encounter between Han and Greedo at the Mos Eisley cantina
For reasons unknown to anyone but George Lucas right now, a super brief but newly inserted clip has Greedo shout what the internet has
decided is &MACLUNKEY!& before taking his failed shot at Han. The change was first noted by StarWarsVisComp, a wonderful Twitter account
that tears apart the countless different editions of Star Wars and highlights their endless (and sometimes quite subtle!)
differences. Before you go and get too mad at Disney for changing things for the sake of changing things: apparently this edit came from
George Lucas — the uncontested champion of post-release cinematic change himself — with the new clip purportedly being inserted years
ago during a 4K restoration that didn&t see the light of day until now. Comparison clips have already started hitting YouTube: And yes, for
the curious: the &Maclunkey& line really is in the Disney+ release
If you&ve got Disney+, you can find it at around the 50:52 mark in &A New Hope.& So what a Maclunkey? No one knows
As Uproxx points out, the rest of the dialog throughout the conversation is captioned
But Maclunkey? That left to the viewer interpretation. Until we get further explanation, I like to think that it the Rodian/Huttese
equivalent of &Eh, screw it.& Found a stain on your shirt 10 minutes after getting to work? Maclunkey
Gonna take a cheap shot at the baddest smuggler in the galaxy without bothering to, you know, aim? Maclunkey
Edited a new bit of alien dialog into your classic film but forgot to come up with a translation before it shipped? Maclunkey! BREAKING:
Greedo shouting "Maclunkey" isn't the only major change to the Original #starwars trilogy on #DisneyPlus — Eric
Fell (@ericfell) November 12, 2019 Looks like the seed money that Maclunkey Toilet Pucks gave to Disney+ is really paying off
#maclunkey — Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) November 12, 2019