Could your startup earn the Wild Card at Disrupt Berlin 2019

We’re just about one month away from opening the doors to infinite early-stage startup opportunity
We’re talking about Disrupt Berlin 2019, which takes place on 11-12 December
But today we’d like to highlight a specific opportunity you might not be familiar with — the Wild Card.Why is this opportunity a big
deal? The startup that earns the Wild Card designation gets to compete in Startup Battlefield, our epic pitch competition with a $50,000
Ka-ching!How do you qualify? Every early-stage startup that exhibits in Startup Alley, our expo floor and the heart of every Disrupt — has
a shot at the Wild Card
And we mean every startup — Startup Alley Exhibitor Package holders, our recently announced TC Top Picks, members of a Country Pavilion
— no matter how you come to exhibit in Startup Alley, you’re eligible.Here’s how it all works
The day before Disrupt Berlin 2019 opens, TechCrunch editors will review the exhibiting startups and select one standout to join the cadre
of Startup Battlefield competitors
The Wild Card team receives roughly 24 hours’ notice before they step out onto the Main Stage to pitch their product and company in front
of a live audience — and a panel of expert VCs and technologists waiting to be impressed.Talk about pressure
But startuppers don’t back away from a potentially life-changing opportunity — they rise to the occasion, amirite? Case in point: the
little startup that could
Legacy earned the Wild Card at Disrupt Berlin 2018 and went on to win Startup Battlefield, beau coup love and attention from investors and
media — not to mention that $50,000 equity-free cash infusion.Here’s the good news: There’s still time for you to be an exhibitor at
Disrupt Berlin 2019 — and have a shot at competing in Startup Battlefield
Simply buy a Startup Alley Exhibitor Package and you’re good to go.Here’s even better news
Exhibiting in Startup Alley holds tremendous potential to move your business forward — whether you get the Wild Card or not.This is how
David Hall, co-founder of Park - Diamond, describes his experience in Startup Alley.“Exhibiting in Startup Alley was a game-changer for us
We received insight on our product development process, and we got to engage with media and potential investors
The chance to have those discussions and to potentially form relationships was invaluable.”The opportunity that is Disrupt Berlin 2019
takes place on 11-12 December
Make the most of that opportunity — exhibit in Startup Alley and take your shot at the Wild Card and Startup Battlefield
We’ll see you in Berlin!Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at Disrupt Berlin 2019? Contact our sponsorship sales team
by filling out this form.