UK support of Egypt's president could lead to bloodshed, whistleblower warns

An Egyptian whistleblower who prompted mass protests against President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has told Sky News that Britain must stop
supporting him, warning it could lead to bloodshed and mass immigration to Europe.Mohamed Ali's videos exposing high-level corruption in the
Egyptian government went viral and prompted huge protests in Egyptian cities.Thousands demonstrated calling for the end of the Sisi regime
More than 4,000 have since disappeared into Egyptian jails.Mr Ali is an unlikely revolutionary
He has no political expertise
He was an actor then worked in construction
But because he had been a contractor to the government he claimed to have evidence of its dark secrets.Image:Self-exiled businessman Mohamed
Ali has exposed high-level corruption in the Egyptian governmentIn passionate, handheld videos he mocked the Egyptian leader for lavish
spending on palaces and hotels benefiting regime members."We will continue this mission until we remove Sisi," he told Sky News."We must
have hope that our country can become a respectable one, which holds a status in the region
All we want is to become like countries in Europe, therefore we must continue our mission and we will not stop".The videos, which he made in
exile in Spain, caused outrage back home and led to Egyptians pouring onto the streets in September to vent their anger.Now he says it is
time to form a more organised opposition and bring Mr Sisi down.He is hoping to join up with other opposition figures and draw up plans for
Egypt once the Sisi government has been brought down.The British government says that Mr Sisi's government has brought stability to his
country and some economic improvement.Mr Ali says that's mistaken
He says Egypt is sliding into total economic collapse and chaos
He warns that could lead to a wave of mass migration out of Egypt and into Europe."The nation is extremely angry
The level of poverty is rising, murder and crime is on the rise, violence increasing, so which stability has he brought to the region? Can't
the British government see all that? On the contrary, it is supporting the wrong man."He has this message for Boris Johnson: "Your interests
with Abdel Fattah el-Sisi inside Egypt will fail, the situation is going to cause bloodshed and you will witness an immigration flow towards
Europe not like any other in the history of Europe."Image:Boris Johnson shakes hands with President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi during the G7
summit in AugustHuman Rights Watch says the Sisi regime have hounded relatives of people criticising it from abroad, with detentions, house
raids and travel bans
Mr Ali says he fears for his life.Mr Sisi was an army general when the Egyptian military seized power in a violent counterrevolution that
was supported by some sectors of the Egyptian population.Image:Mohamed Ali says Britain must stop supporting President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
Pic: Mohamed Ali/InstagramTo seize power it carried out a series of massacres, using military snipers to kill hundreds of protesters
The dead included Sky News cameraman Mick Deane who was killed by a marksman's bullet.It has maintained its grip on power through the
detention and disappearance of tens of thousands of people arrested in protests, and a totalitarian control of the country's media.Despite
all this it continues to enjoy the support of the British government, both diplomatically and financially.