We’re in the home stretch to the TC Hackathon going down at Disrupt Berlin 2019 on 11-12 December
If you have what it takes to compete against some of the best hackers, developers, engineers and code poets, apply to the TechCrunch
We have fewer than 50 seats left, and they’ll be gone before you can say deep hack mode.The Hackathon is free — no fee to apply or to
It’s a thrilling, fun and exhausting ride
Designing, creating and pitching a working product in roughly 24 hours will test your physical, mental and technical limits
It’s an adrenaline rush like no other.What do you get for messing with your circadian rhythm? For starters, we’ll keep you fed, watered
And every participant receives a free Innovator pass to enjoy Disrupt Berlin
Then there’s the prize money associated with each sponsored contest and, on top of that, TechCrunch editors will award an additional
$5,000 prize to the team they choose for creating the best overall hack.When you and your team arrive on site, you’ll pick one of several
sponsored contest hacks to tackle and complete
Arriving solo? No worries
We’ll help you find a team when you get here.After the 24-hour hackathon clock runs out, sponsor representatives and TechCrunch editors
will review all completed projects
They’ll select 10 teams to move on to the finals the following day
Each team gets two minutes to power pitch and present their products live on the Extra Crunch Stage.After 10 sleep-deprived presentations,
the judges announce the winners of the sponsor challenges and TechCrunch reveals the winner of best overall hack and awards them
$5,000.Curious about the types of challenges you’ll find on tap? We’ll announce this year’s sponsors and their specific contests
before the month is out, but here’s an example of the type of challenges you can expect.Last year at Disrupt SF, BYTON sponsored a contest
challenging the Hackathon participants to create a product that addressed this question: What will people want to do in a car that has a
49-inch screen and drives autonomously? The $5,000 first prize went to CAR-O-KE, a karaoke app for autonomous vehicles
Check out the other sponsored contests, prizes and winners from DSF ’18.TC Hackathon takes place during Disrupt Berlin 2019 on 11-12
December. Love to code? Love to compete? Love to win money and recognition? Then apply to the Hackathon today before the last remaining
seats disappear.Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at Disrupt Berlin 2019? Contact our sponsorship sales team
by filling out this form.