Top web browsers 2019: No end in sight for Firefox's losses

If Firefox were a ship, it would be becalmed on a flat sea, loosened seams leaking faster than the hand-worked pumps can empty the bilge,
passengers springing overboard and swimming toward other vessels - those with sails bearing rivals' logos.According to data published Sunday
by analytics company Net Applications, Firefox's share for November slumped to 8.2%, down half a percentage point
It was the seventh month in the last 12 in which Firefox spilled share, the fifth where the loss amounted to a half point or more.From 2005,
when Firefox was scratching its way out of the single digits in an insurrection against Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE), the browser has
posted lower shares only three times, all in a short stretch of 2016 when Firefox bottomed out at 7.7%
That time, the browser clawed back to 13% (in October 2017) before again shrinking.