Bitcoin Heist Suspect Fled Iceland On Plane Carrying PM: State Media

The stolen computers were specially programmed to mine Bitcoin
(Reuters)REYKJAVIK:  An Icelandic man arrested on suspicion of stealing about 600 computers used to mine the
cryptocurrency Bitcoin escaped prison and fled the country on a commercial flight to Sweden, Icelandic state broadcaster RUV said on
Wednesday.The same Icelandair flight was also taking Icelandic Prime Minister Katrin Jakobsdottir to a meeting with Prime Minister Narendra
Modi in Stockholm, RUV reported, without specifying its sources.The escapee was among 11 people arrested on February 2 on suspicion of
taking the computers with an estimated value of 200 million Icelandic crowns ($2 million), Icelandic police said at the time
No criminal case in Iceland has ever involved larger sums of money.RUV, quoting Pall Winkel, director of Iceland's Prison and Probation
Administration, said the man escaped from an open, minimum-security prison early on Tuesday and boarded the Icelandair flight the same
morning to Stockholm.It said the heist suspect remained at large and Icelandic police had asked their Swedish counterparts for help in
apprehending him."Swedish police have, as have other European countries, been informed by Iceland about a detained man who has escaped,"
Swedish national police spokeswoman Malin Nafver said, declining to comment further.Officials at Iceland's prison and probation
administration could not be reached for comment.The stolen computers were specially programmed to mine Bitcoin
Police have yet to locate the computers.© Thomson Reuters 2018