Sometimes you win one

This big bank has its DR/BCP systems located across the river, and it decides to move the IT portion from one city to another several miles
away, says pilot fish
The vendor in charge of this move says it going to take a few months to get the new comms lines up, and thenit will order a new set of
servers for the new site, and thenit will set them up — all of which will take a few moremonths.Once the lines are in, fish has friendly
chat with a systems engineer at the vendor, a take-charge type of guy
They conspire to meet at the old site, where they disconnect servers and cart them down to the engineer own car
Once it loaded to the ceiling, they head off to the new site
There, they cart it all up to the new DR cage and hook it all up to the new lines
The engineer logs in, makes IP address adjustments, and soon the bank has one of its two backup systems up and running in the new location.