Mozilla in trouble 2018 revenue fell 20%, expenses exceed income for first time

Mozilla's revenue in 2018 fell by nearly 20% compared to the year prior, and for the first time expenses outweighed income, the
organization said in its annual financial report.The nonprofit behind Firefox implied that the apparent downturn was misleading because of
the comparison to record revenue of the year before
"2017 was an outlier, due in part to changes in the search revenue deal that was negotiated that year," Mozilla said in the "State of
Mozilla 2018" report published on its website.[ Further reading: 14 must-have Firefox add-ons ]Mozilla also asserted that the revenue
decline would not affect its work
"Despite the year-over-year change, Mozilla remains in a strong financial position with cash reserves to support continued innovation,
partnerships and diversification of the Firefox product lines," the organization wrote.