The NHS robots performing major surgery

Image caption Three robotic arms replace the surgeon's hands during an operation at the Golden Jubilee Hospital
How would you feel about a robot performing major surgery on you? 2019 has seen a boom in the use of cutting edge robotic technology
and there is more to come.Evidence suggests robotic surgery can be less invasive and improve recovery time for patients
That could be good news with ever growing demand on health services
At the Golden Jubilee Hospital in Clydebank, I watch an operation taking place with three robotic arms operating on a patient where a
surgeon's hands would normally be
The robotic arms are seeing, feeling and manipulating with incredible precision.In this case, they are removing the patient's thymus gland
from between the lungs.The surgical robot takes this operation a step beyond traditional keyhole surgery.Image caption
Stephen O'Reilly said he hoped it would speed up his recovery The patient is Stephen O'Reilly, whom I spoke to 20 minutes
earlier as he prepared to put his trust in robotic assisted surgery, hoping it would mean he could get back to work more quickly."It sounds
quite interesting," he said
"The surgeon says it speeds it up
If they cut you open you could be in hospital for a week but I could be away in a day or two
"It helps your recovery and stops them having to open you up
The last time I got surgery was in 1992 when I broke my leg
It's a lot different now."Once he is in the operating theatre and under anaesthetic, the £2m Da Vinci robot takes over from the human
team.But control is still in the surgeon's hands - just remotely via a console
Image caption Consultant thoracic surgeon Alan Kirk has control of the robot from a remote console
Consultant thoracic surgeon Alan Kirk went through additional training to operate in this way.Ordinarily Mr Kirk would be hunched over the
operating table for two or three hours performing a procedure like this
It is physically and mentally demanding
The use of robotic technology can relieve some of that pressure but it takes a period of adjustment to get used to being at the controls, at
some distance from the patient.Mr Kirk said: "The selling points for robotics are improving patient outcomes by having smaller holes and
incisions that are less painful."The vision we get is also far better than any keyhole procedures we have already, so it's 10 times
magnification, 3D, high definition vision - and with the technology of the instruments with 360 degree articulation, and 7 degrees of
freedom, it allows us to do things that we couldn't do even with open surgery sometimes."Image caption Mr Kirk went
through additional training to operate in this way The American-made da Vinci robot has dominated robotic surgery in the UK
for 15 years
But as the new decade approaches, more versatile models are arriving on the market - such as the British-designed Versius robot that is
coming on stream.For more routine surgery like hip and knees - a robotic arm called Mako is helping create incredibly precise replacements
based on individual anatomy.Image caption A robotic arm called Mako is helping create incredibly precise replacements
Orthopaedic surgeon Nick Ohly said: "We can give every patient a customised or personalised knee replacement, based on their
own specific anatomy and the only way to do that is with technology like this
"We have a 3D virtual image of the anatomy, we can plan the operation virtually before we've even cut the bones and then execute it exactly
as per the plans, so we know that what we do is exactly what we wanted."Surgeons clearly believe that robotics will be a big part of their
But with a growing choice of technology available, it will mean careful, evidence-based decisions about what provides the best value for
money, for the NHS's long-term investment.