Violence in Lebanon as search for PM sparks outrage among protesters

By Zein Ja'far, Middle East editor, in Beirut Lebanon's government was once again forced to delay the nomination of the prime minister on
Monday, after the country was rocked by some of the worst violence since protests began.In Beirut, violent clashes saw riot police fire tear
gas and water cannon against the thousands of demonstrators who had gathered near the parliament building on Sunday night, leaving dozens
injured.They had mobilised to voice their anger at the nomination of Saad Haririas prime minister and at violent tactics used by police
which saw more than 40 people injured in clashes just 24-hours earlier.Image:Lebanese demonstrators use their phone lights during an
anti-government protest on Sunday Lebanon's interior minister Raya al Hassan had earlier on Sunday pledged to investigate reports of police
By the evening she accused "infiltrators" of stoking the violence.Mr Hariri is currently Lebanon's caretaker PM after resigning from
government in late October.His expected nomination is indicative of the failure of Lebanon's political leadership to find a consensus
candidate who is accepted by both rival parties in the government and the protesters themselves.President Michel Aoun released a statement
saying consultations would now take place on Thursday to allow for "additional discussion of government formation".The United Nations voiced
its concern over escalating violence and the failure to reach a political settlement.Special coordinator for Lebanon Jan Kubis tweeted: "Yet
another postponement of the parliamentary consultations: Either a sign that following the events and statements of the last days politicians
start to understand they cannot neglect the voice of the people, or another attempt to buy time for business as usualImage:A protester kicks
back a tear gas canister during clashes with riot police "But with the collapsing economy it is a risky hazard both for the politicians but
even more so for Lebanon and its people."These demonstrations are unprecedented in Lebanon's history - with people rejecting traditional
political affiliations and religious differences to call for the removal of the current political leadership in its entirety, an independent
government free of sectarianism and an end to corruption.Lebanese prime minister announces resignationMillions in Lebanon are faced with a
crumbling infrastructure and a crippling lack of basic public services
Add to that a deepening economic crisis which has seen hundreds of businesses close down, people's salaries cut and cash shortages at banks
and ATMs across the country and it's understandable why there is such widespread frustration.One of the central slogans of the protest
movement since it started 62 days ago has been: "Kilon yani KIilon" or "all of them means all of them"
Yet, with the exception of Mr Hariri's initial resignation, no other senior government ministers have stepped down from their position.Since
Mr Hariri's resignation, several prospective prime ministerial candidates have been touted as his potential successor, including a former
finance minister and a business tycoon - both thought to be multi-millionaires and both outright rejected by protesters.Despite the
overwhelmingly peaceful nature of the protests there are worrying signs of potential escalation if the political impasse continues.On Sunday
evening a group of men dressed in black attacked a protest encampment on Martyrs' Square setting fire to tents and smashing the windows of
parked cars nearby.