The SEC wants to expand on who is allowed to invest in private securities

As the number of privately held companies continues to grow — and privately held companies stay private longer than ever — public
market shareholders who&d earlier benefited from the growth of companies like Google and Amazon are missing out, fears the Securities -
Exchange Commission. It wants to do something about it, too. Toward that end, the agency today proposed amendments to the definition of
&accredited investor& and the definition of &qualified institutional buyer& that would expand the list of people and institutions currently
capable of investing in the private capital markets — meaning startups, hedge funds, venture funds and private equity funds. What would
change? Right now, as the SEC defines accredited investors, a person has to have at least $1 million in liquid assets and $200,000 in annual
income. The SEC new proposal would enable investors with an entry-level stockbroker license or other credentials issued by an accredited
educational institution to invest in private securities; &knowledgeable& employees of funds who might not currently meet the SEC wealth
thresholds; family offices with at least $5 million in assets under management and their family clients; and &spousal equivalents& who could
pool their assets for the purposes of qualifying as accredited investors. The proposed amendments would also add limited liability companies
and RBICs to the types of entities that are eligible for qualified institutional buyer status if they meet the $100 million in securities
owned and investment threshold in the definition, and the SEC wants to add a new category for any entity, including Indian tribes, that owns
&investments,& as defined in Rule 2a51-1(b) under the Investment Company Act, that are valued at more than $5 million and that weren&t
formed for the specific purpose of investing in the securities offered. The proposal is now open to a 60-day comment period
In the meantime, expect there to be strong arguments both for and against the SEC moves to expand the private investing pool. On the one
hand, parties focused on investor protection will surely argue that vulnerable investors will be taken advantage of by startups that already
have access to more than enough capital (especially startups worth funding)
On the other side, expect to hear from the growing number of voices concerned that mom and pop investors have been shut out of American
innovation economy, and that income inequality is worsening quickly because of it. You can check out the SEC specific proposals here, as
well as find instructions on where to submit a comment.