New York vows to tackle antisemitism crisis after 13th attack in 3 weeks

New York will introduce a series of measures to tackle a "crisis" following the 13th antisemitic attack since 8 December, its mayor has
said.It comes after five people were stabbed in the basement of Hasidic Rabbi Chaim Rottenberg's home in Monsey at about 10pm on Saturday,
the seventh night of the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.Bill de Blasio said police presence would increase in Brooklyn neighbourhoods that are
home to large Jewish populations, and lighting towers and security cameras will be installed.Image:Bill de Blasio said the attack was
fuelled by intolerance and a 'cancer' of growing hatred in America"We will keep adding as many measures as it takes to end this crisis," he
said, adding: "We have to show that this horrible trend we've seen over the last weeks will be stopped dead in its tracks."A suspect,
identified by police as Grafton E Thomas, has pleaded not guilty to five counts of attempted murder and one count of burglary following
Saturday night's attack.The 37-year-old was arrested within two hours of the attack and had blood all over his clothing, smelled of bleach
but said "almost nothing" when officers stopped him, officials said.Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Sunday that it was an act of domestic
terrorism fuelled by intolerance and a "cancer" of growing hatred in America."This is violence spurred by hate, it is mass violence and I
consider this an act of domestic terrorism," he said
"Let's call it what it is."Image:New York Governor Andrew Cuomo outside the home of a rabbi where five people were stabbedNew York Police
commissioner Dermot Shea said he is "angry and mad as hell" over the recent antisemitic attacks in the city.He said: "We have people living
in this city in 2019 that have to worry about their kids going to school, and what they're wearing or go into a movie that they're going to
be targeted because of how they look, or they're afraid to worship whatever their religion is."Thomas's criminal history includes an arrest
for assaulting a police horse, according to an official, though his lawyer has said he has no convictions.The home where he lived with his
mother, around 20 miles from Monsey, was blocked with police tape on Sunday as FBI agents and police officers carried items from their
home.Image:Stabbing in MonseyImage:Jewish people try to reach the area of the attack at a Hasidic rabbi's home in MonseyThe FBI is looking
into his mental health history and seeking a warrant to obtain his online accounts.The family's pastor, Rev Wendy Paige, said Thomas had
been suffering from mental illness and that his family believes his condition was the cause of the stabbings, and not hatred towards Jewish
people.Hanukkah stabbing: Police stop suspect vehicle festival of Hanukkah.Following the attack, an automated licence plate reader alerted
officers that the suspect's car had crossed over the George Washington Bridge into New York City around an hour after the attack
He was stopped and taken into custody 20 to 30 minutes later, Mr Shea said.The stabbings on Saturday left one person critically wounded, Mr
Cuomo said, and the rabbi's son was also injured.It was the latest of a series of attacks against Jews in the region, including a massacre
at a kosher grocery store in New Jersey on 10 December.Last month, a man was stabbed while walking to a synagogue in Monsey.And in the past
week, police have received at least six reports - eight since 13 December - of attacks possibly motivated by antisemitism.President Donald
Trump condemned the "horrific" attack, tweeting that "We must all come together to fight, confront, and eradicate the evil scourge of