Fatal Tesla crash sparks federal investigation

Image copyrightReutersImage caption Investigators have not said whether the Tesla's semi-autonomous driving system
played a role Authorities in the US are investigating a fatal crash involving a Tesla car equipped with a semi-autonomous
driver-assistance system
Two people in a Honda Civic died when it collided with the Tesla Model S in Los Angeles, the US National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration said
The occupants of the Tesla, which reportedly passed through a red light, were treated for minor injuries
Authorities did not say whether the Tesla's Autopilot played a role
Autopilot is Tesla's semi-autonomous driver-assistance system that allows a vehicle to self-park, change lanes and navigate autonomously in
certain conditions
The company has repeatedly stated that drivers must remain alert and should not remove their hands from the steering wheel when using the
feature.The NHTSA said in a statement it had assigned a special crash investigation team to inspect the car and the scene of Sunday's crash
The regulator has the power to issue mandatory vehicle recalls if it deems them necessary
It has previously investigated 13 other incidents involving Tesla vehicles, which were suspected to have had Autopilot engaged at the time
that they crashed
Results from 11 of those investigations are still pending
Several collisions have been blamed on a lack of attention from the driver rather than an error with the Tesla Autopilot system
On 23 March 2018, a Tesla Model X crashed into a roadside barrier and caught fire while on Autopilot, which also resulted in the death of
the driver.On that occasion Tesla did not reveal whether Autopilot had spotted the barrier.