Iran: Footage shows moment plane plummets and crashes

The doomed Ukrainian passenger jet was on fire and exploded into a huge ball of flames as it tumbled from the sky and crashed shortly after
take-off in Iran, footage shows.Tehran's night sky turns an intense orange for an ephemeral moment as the Boeing 737 crashes into a distant
field in one clip taken by a car passenger.The jet appeared to be on fire for several seconds before bursting into flames as it hit the
ground, killing all 176 passengers on board.Image:The sky turns and intense orange for a brief moment as the jet crashesIn another video
taken by a ground witness, the aircraft can be seen on fire for several seconds before exploding mid-air and finally bursting into flames
when it comes down.CCTV footage on a dark lane near the crash site is also believed to have captured the passenger plane plummeting to the
ground.The Ukrainian passenger plane hits the groundThe screen turns blindingly white as the plane crashes before the surrounding area is
engulfed with flames, smoke and debris flying in all directions.Canadian and British officials have said evidence indicates it is "highly
likely" that an Iranian anti-aircraft missile downed the Kiev-bound Ukrainian airliner near Tehran on Tuesday.Image:Plane debris after the
deadly crash that killed 176 peopleImage:An image of a missile has been circulating online, suspected to be the cause of the plane crash in
IranThey said the strike could well have been a mistake amid missile launches and high tensions throughout the region.Image:CCTV footage
shows the surrounding area engulfed in flames as the plane hits groundIran denies the reports, with government spokesman Ali Rabiei
describing it as a "psychological warfare against Iran", according to state TV.He added: "All those countries whose citizens were aboard the
plane can send representatives and we urge Boeing to send its representative to join the process of investigating the black box." Trudeau:
Evidence that plane was hit by missileThe deadly crash came hours after Iran launched a ballistic attack against Iraqi military bases
housing US troops in retaliation to a US drone strike that killed an Iranian Revolutionary Guard general.Following Canadian Prime Minister
Justin Trudeau's comments, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: "There is now a body of information that the flight was shot down by an
Iranian surface-to-air missile."