In the world of gaming, cross-compatibility between platforms has always bene a bit of a white whale
While most players hope for it, console makers and game publishers haven’t always been so willing
Until recently.Microsoft, Nintendo and PC game makers have started making games more cross-compatible
Most notably, the companies have made Fortnite Battle Royale, the biggest game of the year, cross-compatible on the Switch, Xbox, iOS, and
Yes, there is a big name missing from that list.Sony has yet to budge, forcing PS4 players inside of a walled garden
Obviously, players have been outraged.But today, Microsoft and Nintendo are seemingly putting salt in the wound with a new trailer for
Minecraft.Rather than focusing on the game, the trailer’s entire thesis is centered around the fact that it offers cross-play between Xbox
In the video, you can see a Switch player and an Xbox player gaming together in the wonderful world of Minecraft.The tag line at the end
reads “Better Together.”Long story short, cross play is happening in the gaming world
Whether or not Sony chooses to catch up is anyone’s guess.