In 2010, the eyewear industry got its long-awaited new player
Warby Parker entered the market with a simple offering: stylish Rx glasses, bought online, for a reasonable price.While this sounds like a
pretty obvious concept in 2018, the world of e-commerce was just beginning its insane growth streak back in 2010
And glasses, of all things, weren’t something that many people thought could be purchased online.But through a simple try-before-you-buy
system, Warby Parker made it possible.Flash-forward eight years and Warby Parker has become a household name, with more than 50 stores
across the United States and Canada, and more than $290 million raised
The brand has evolved beyond a simple set of glasses to become an example for many startups, particularly where social good is concerned.For
each pair of glasses sold, Warby Parker donates a pair to someone who needs glasses but doesn’t have access to them.All that said, we’re
obviously thrilled to have Warby Parker co-founder and co-CEO Dave Gilboa join us onstage at Disrupt SF.Gilboa has helped Warby Parker grow
from a small e-commerce startup to a massive brand, and has helped evolve the company beyond an e-commerce brand, providing vision tests
alongside the product.At Disrupt SF, we’ll discuss how Warby grew its e-commerce presence, the company’s approach to offline retail
versus online and what’s next in store for Warby Parker.Gilboa joins other notable speakers, such as Drew Houston, Priscilla Chan, Ashton
Kutcher, Reid Hoffman and many more.Tickets to the conference, which runs September 5 to September 7, are available here.