2 migrant labourers have died in the Ernakulam explosion (Photos: ANI)Two migrant labourers died after an explosion at a quarry in
Malayattoor area of Ernakulam district, Kerala on Monday morning
The explosion took place at around 3 am when both the migrant labourers were sleeping.The migrant labourers have been identified as
Periyanna (38) and Naga (34).According to the police, the deceased migrant labourers were employed at a quarry in Malayattoor,
Ernakulam.Since they had recently returned from their home state, they were under quarantine in a building where the quarrying explosives
were stored.At around 3 am on Monday morning, an explosion took place, destroying the building completely
Both of them died on the spot.No further damage has been reported as the building was far from the residential area.The local police have
registered a case and a probe is underway.