Instagram has been incredibly busy of late, announcing IGTV, Instagram Lite and a slate of features including Stories Soundtracks
But the Facebook-owned photo-sharing service doesn’t show any signs of letting up.Android Police today noted that Instagram is testing a
feature that would allow users to post questions to their followers and receive answers.Instagram already offers the ability to publish
polls to followers with multiple-choice options for answering
But this test seems to point toward the option to offer lengthier responses to users’ questions.One user in Indonesia sent to Android
Police a screencap of the feature(pictured above), and a user in Spain also spotted the feature
That said, we still have very little information on just how this might work.Right now, when a user posts to their Story, their followers
With more open-ended questions and responses, it’s unclear if responses will still come in via DM or be bundled together as part of the
story.The latter seems more in keeping with Instagram’s push to make Stories as interactive as possible
The open-ended question could serve as a jumping off point for a collaborative story comprised of everyone’s responses.That said, this
feature hasn’t been confirmed by Instagram, though we’ve reached out and will update the post when we learn more.