Publishing this Analytic Article
@beingarun28: Retweet If You Want To See Him In Prison
This tweet has actually received Retweets up to 494 is the़ आलम ने Popular tweet tweeted
by @dineshbjp09 who hasानों के साथ चार
पाकिस्तान बनाने की बात
क्या कही देश में बवाल मच
गया।Fan count of 57562 at the time of Publishingही हैthis Analytic Article.
This tweet has actually received Retweets as much as 820 is the Popular tweet tweeted by @dineshbjp09 who has Follower count of
57562 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Short Article
@dineshbjp09: द े श के बयान से मैं
बिलकुल भी अचंभित नहींे
ग ़ द ् द ा र ो ं है कि उसने
बोल दिया है और बाक़ी मन
में सपने पाल रहेक ो 😠 #ArrestSheikhAlam
This tweet has actually gotten Retweets up to 332 is the Popular tweet tweeted by @NarenderChawla1 who has Follower count of
10637 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Post
This tweet has gotten Retweets up to
574.!.?.!Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @DChaurasia2312 who has
Follower count of 896605 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
@DChaurasia2312: TMC न े त ा श े ख ़ आ ल म न े 30 % म
ु स ल म ा न ो ं क े स ा
थ च ा र प
ा क
ि स ् त ा न ब न ा न े क ी ब ा
त क ् य ा क ह ी द े श म े ं ब व ा
ल मैं च ग य ा शेख आलम की
गिरफ्तारी की मांग करता
हूँ। TMC अ ब क्या आप सभी
राष्ट्रवादी साथ हो ह र ह
ी ह ै & hellip;
This tweet has received Retweets up to 1039 is the Popular tweet tweeted by @SureshChavhanke who has Fan count of
352103 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
@SureshChavhanke: श े ख ़ आ ल म क े ब य ा न स े
म ै ं ब ि ल क ु ल भ ी अ च ं भ ि त
न ह ी ं
ब स अ ं त र य ह ी ह ै क ि उ स न े
ब ो ल द ि य ा ह ै औ र ब ा क ़ ी म
न म े ं स प न े प ा ल र ह े
& hellip;
This tweet has gotten Retweets as much as 1186. is the Popular tweet
tweeted by @DuttYogi who has Follower count of 3638907 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Short Article
@DuttYogi: Shame On Sheikh Alam
This tweet has actually received Retweets up to 1107 is the Popular tweet tweeted by @beingarun28 who has Fan count of 286949 at
the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
@beingarun28: Only RETWEET - Top This Pattern
This tweet has actually received Retweets approximately 753 is the Popular tweet tweeted by @beingarun28 who has Fan count of 286949
at the time of Publishing this Analytic Post
@beingarun28: म ै ं TMC न े त ा श े ख आ ल म क ी
ग ि र फ ् त ा र ी क ी म ा ं ग क र
त ा ह ू ँ
क ् देश के ग़द्दारों को य
ा आ प स भ ी र ा ष ् ट ् र व ा द ी
स ा थ ह ो ❓
This tweet has gotten Retweets up to 1337. is the
Popular tweet tweeted by @beingarun28 who has Follower count of 286949 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Short Article
@beingarun28: Retweet If You Wished To See Him In Jail
This tweet has actually gotten Retweets as much as 494 is the Popular tweet tweeted by @dineshbjp09 who has Follower count of
57562 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
@dineshbjp09: INDIA FIRST ARREST THIS TRAITOR 😠 #ArrestSheikhAlam
This tweet has actually received Retweets up to 820. is the Popular tweet
tweeted by @dineshbjp09 who has Fan count of 57562 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article
@dineshbjp09: द े श क े ग ़ द ् द ा र ो ं क
ो 😠 #ArrestSheikhAlam
This tweet has gotten Retweets up to 332. is the Popular tweet tweeted by
@NarenderChawla1 who has Fan count of 10637 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Post
@NarenderChawla1: I Demand
This tweet has actually received Retweets up to 574