Mr Ambani this year unveiled an ambitious plan to invest $10 billion in clean energyMukesh Ambani added $3.7 billion to his net worth on
Friday as shares of his flagship company surged after the tycoon doubled down on his clean-energy goals
Asia's wealthiest person is now worth $92.6 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index
The tycoon is closing in on L'Oreal's Francoise Bettencourt Meyers at $92.9 billion, as both move closer to a rarefied group of men with
Mr Ambani's jump was due to a surge in the shares of his Reliance Industries after he said the company will “aggressively” pursue
production of cheaper green hydrogen. Known for disrupting businesses he enters, Mr Ambani's telecommunications unit has become the
dominant player in the Indian market while his digital operation has expanded with backing from investors including Facebook Inc
At the same time, Saudi Aramco is looking to acquire a stake in Reliance's oil refining business in a deal said to be worth as much as $25
billion.Mr Ambani this year unveiled an ambitious plan to invest $10 billion in clean energy, marking a new pivot for India's most valuable
The goal aligns with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ambitions to combat climate change and slash imports into the world's third-biggest oil
consumer. Reliance shares surged 4.1 per cent to a record in Mumbai Friday.(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by
TheIndianSubcontinent staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)