World Bank's management also initiated a series of reviews and audits of the report.New Delhi: The World Bank Group on Thursday announced
its decision to discontinue the next 'Doing Business' report
"After reviewing all the information available to date on Doing Business, World Bank Group management has taken the decision to discontinue
the Doing Business report," the international financial institution stated.The group said it took the step after data irregularities on
'Doing Business 2018 and 2020' were reported internally in June 2020
After pausing the next 'Doing Business' report, the management initiated a series of reviews and audits of the report and its
methodology."In addition, because the internal reports raised ethical matters, including the conduct of former Board officials as well as
current and/or former Bank staff, management reported the allegations to the Bank's appropriate internal accountability mechanisms," World
Bank further stated.The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors also released its report on "Investigation of Data Irregularities in Doing
Business 2018 and Doing Business 2020".The World Bank Group said it remains firmly committed to advancing the role of the private sector in
development and providing support to governments.It also added that going forward, it will work on new approach to assessing business and
investment climate in countries.The Doing Business report assesses regulatory environments, ease of business startups, infrastructure and
other business climate measures.