SEBI has urged investors to go for online grievance redressal mechanismNew Delhi: Investors should file their complaints through online
mechanisms, especially through SCORES portal and also mobile application, markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
has suggested.This, it said, would lead to effective redressal of grievances
SCORES stands for SEBI complaints redressal system.Also, in order to increases awareness regarding online grievance redressal mechanisms,
SEBI has asked stock exchanges including commodity derivatives exchanges, depositories and clearing corporations to display option to lodge
complaint with them directly on the home page of their websites and mobile apps.Further to this, they have been directed to display link to
SCORES website as well as link to download SCORES mobile app on the home page of their websites and mobile apps, according to a SEBI
circular.SCORES is a grievance redressal system launched in June 2011
It is a platform designed to help investors lodge their complaints online with SEBI, pertaining to the securities market, against companies,
intermediaries, and market infrastructure institutions.