Restaurant owners in Tamil Nadu have urged state federal government to ease restrictions on diningThe type of effect that Coronavirus
pandemic has had on the food and beverages industry in Tamil Nadu, can be evaluated from the truth that a minimum of 30,000 dining
establishments have shut shop in the state in the last 2 years, owing to curbs on dining out.Now, amid the third wave, the restaurant
industry has actually sent an SOS to the state federal government against any transfer to impose lockdown once again and to spare them from
today 50 percent dining restrictions.Mr Gandharv Dhingra, a restauranteur in Chennai needed to shut down five of his ten cafes in the middle
His company Roll Child Roll lost more than Rs 30 lakh, besides the earnings lost during the two total lockdowns and a series of curfews
and curbs on dining, particularly over the weekends
As a last ditch effort, he has actually now started a cloud kitchen to keep fires burning
We are unable to utilise the capacity since of the 50 percent constraints on dining
That's the cost you save, plus you minimize the workforce expense, as now you directly communicate with clients, Mr Dhingra informed
TheIndianSubcontinent.Ms Rekha Dandey, who introduced Chennai's first pet-themed restaurant Twisty Tails in 2018, lost Rs 60 lakhs after 2
Hit tough financially, she had to close down and revived it in 2021 only after giving up 30 per cent of her stake
Now the 3rd wave is scaring her.Explaining the problem, she stated, we had plans to open six franchises in different cities
We had to keep back and stop that entirely
Till now there are no strategies to begin that once again
While food shipment aggregators like Swiggy and Zomato see a new high in business, dining establishment owners state these gamers have
actually also consumed into their margins.Mr Shriram Rajendran, director, Cassandra Foods, discussed, We get lesser profit compared to
consumers dining at dining establishments, due to the fact that aggregators take a big commission
When asked just how much is the commission element, he included, anywhere in between 25 per cent to 30 per cent
At least 30,000 restaurants have closed across Tamil Nadu through the pandemic given that 2020, according to the market
Though the market was paralyzed by revenue loss, dining establishment owners needed to keep paying property leasings, wages and financial
obligations despite loss of organization
Now the market has sent an SOS to the federal government asking not to impose lockdown and to be mindful of their condition.Talking about
the industry's worries, Mr Japtej Ahluwalia, Chennai president of National Restaurant Association of India (NRAI), said, the worry is with
the third wave being available in and more stringent constraints resulting in losses swelling up
Given that fresh capital is unavailable, it will create a substantial crisis
The last 2 lockdowns have been a double whammy for dining establishments throughout India
While it's a tightrope walk for the government in the middle of rising cases in the third wave, the restaurant industry feels the federal
government ought to address their worry about empathy before it's too late