Security authorities ban Putin's photos in public places

Shafaq News / The Iraqi Security forces banned on Thursday hanging Russian President Vladimir Putin's photos in public places.A security
source told Shafaq News agency that senior officials have issued the decision which will be applied in the capital Baghdad and all other
Iraqi governorates.A special security force managed today to remove the billboard depicting Russian President, Vladimir Putin, hours after
it was erected in Baghdad, near a headquarters of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq movement.Iraqi security forces were heavily deployed after a huge
billboard depicting the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, erected downtown the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.The billboard boasted the sentence
"We Support Russia" with a large font on a bluish background
Each word in the sentence featured one of the Russian flag's three colors
The huge Billboard appended by the signature of "the President's friends" was set up near a headquarters of the Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq movement
in al-Jadiriyah area on the road leading to the University of Baghdad.