The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Tuesday filed a charge sheet against six accused persons, including a woman, before the NIA
Special Court in Chennai in connection with LTTE terror funding case.The charge sheet was filed against Letchumanan Mary Franciska, T
Baskaran, Johnson Samuvel, G
Mohan under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, the Passport Act and the Foreigners Act.The
case pertains to a criminal conspiracy to revive the LTTE by committing forgery for cheating besides using forged documents as genuine to
divert funds lodged in dormant accounts to commit unlawful and terror activities.The case was initially lodged by the CID Chennai in 2021,
and the NIA took over the probe this year.During investigation, it was learnt that Franciska, Fernando and Baskaran entered into a
conspiracy with foreign entities to siphon off deposits in dormant bank accounts by using Indian identity documents obtained fraudulently
and forging identity documents to revive, revamp and regroup LTTE in India and Sri Lanka.--Agencies
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