The Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL) has approved power cuts of 12 hours for tomorrow (April 01), as requested by the Ceylon
Electricity Board (CEB).The CEB had requested for 12 hours power cuts due to the limited supply of fuel for thermal power plants, the PUCSL
said.Accordingly, the power cuts will be imposed as follows: Areas ABCDEF - 2 hours from 4am to 6am, 4 hours from 8am to 12pm and 6 hours
from 4pm to 10pm. Areas GHIJKL - 2 hours from 6am to 8am, 4 hours from 12pm to 4pm and 6 hours from 6pm to 12am. Areas PQRS - 2 hours from
4am to 6am, 4 hours from 8am to 12pm and 6 hours from 4pm to 10pm. Areas TUVW - 2 hours from 6am to 8am, 4 hours from 12pm to 4pm and 6
hours from 6pm to 12am.Areas MNOXYZ - 3 hours and 30 minutes from 5.30am to 9am and 2 hours from 4pm to 6pm.However, it said that no power
interruption will occur between 12 midnight and 6.00am except in a few areas for tomorrow (01). See the full power interruption schedule
below: Power Interruption Schedule..
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