42-year-old man shot dead in Beliatta

One person has been killed following a shooting incident in the Nihiluwa area in Beliatta.Police said the shooting had been carried out last
night by an unidentified individual who arrived on a motorcycle. The victim, a 42-year-old resident of Tharaperiya in Nihiluwa, was gunned
down in his home, police said.Meanwhile in a separate incident a person has been stabbed with a sharp object and murdered in the
Meethotamulla area in the Wellampitiyia police division. According to police, preliminary inquiries have revealed that an employee of a
bakery had been stabbed to death by a former employee of the same bakery. The deceased is a 37-year-old from Koslanda, Makaldeniyawatta.The
murder suspect has reportedly fled the area following the murder while Wellampitiya Police are conducting further investigations to arrest
This article first appeared/also appeared in https://adaderana.lk