"Shoot Me In The Head": Toronto Van Attack Suspect Told Officers

OTTAWA, Ontario: A white rental van plowed through pedestrians on a sidewalk along a busy commercial street here Monday, killing 10,
injuring 15 and leaving one of the world's safest big cities with a path of carnage that spread for nearly a mile.Though officials did not
say whether the incident was terrorism-related, it marked the latest grim reminder of how a vehicle could be turned into a weapon - in this
case, speeding through a crowd at lunch hour on a sunny day, sending people and mailboxes and baby strollers flying, in what eyewitnesses
described as a deliberate act. Toronto police chief Mark Saunders identified the man as Alek Minassian, a 25-year-old from Richmond Hill,
Saunders said Minassian was not known to police, and that he did not have a weapon
Police said they did not yet know of a motive
The driver was taken into custody after a showdown, captured on video, in which he told officers that he had a weapon and said, "Shoot me in
the head." He gestured at police with an object and then tossed it onto the ground. People embrace at the scene of a memorial for victims
of the crash (AFP)Canadian officials were cautious in the aftermath of the incident, saying that they would need a long investigation into
one of the country's bloodiest mass killings
Canada's public safety minister, Ralph Goodale, said he saw no reason to raise the national terror threat level
The incident had echoes of vehicle attacks in the French city of Nice, as well as in London and New York City - a method that the Islamic
State militant group encouraged followers to use
But mentally ill people with no terrorism connections have also carried out such assaults."We lost a little bit of our innocence," John
Filion, a city councilor who represents the area where the incident occurred, said in a phone interview Monday
"We often think of ourselves as being somewhat excluded from the violence and craziness that goes on in other parts of the world
You just kind of don't think of Toronto as a place where that kind of violence will come to."Peter Yuen, Toronto police services deputy
chief, told reporters: "I can assure the public all our available resources have been brought in to investigate this tragic situation,"
according to the Associated Press.Save for a police helicopter circling overhead, the incident brought an eerie silence to one of the city's
busiest streets, which had been filled Monday afternoon with people enjoying one of the first warm and sunny days of the year after a long
winter.The attack took place in the center of North York, a part of Toronto that has grown over the past two decades into a secondary
downtown.The area - dotted with shops, condo towers and many Korean restaurants - is so heavily trafficked that Toronto's city council
debated widening the sidewalks and reducing lanes of traffic to make it more pedestrian-friendly earlier this year."He started going down on
the sidewalk and crumbling down people one by one," Ali Shaker, who was in the vicinity of the incident, told CTV News
"He just destroyed so many people's lives." He said the driver was traveling at an estimated 35 to 45 mph.Teresa Nolan, who lives nearby,
walked out of the Sheppard subway station - near where the van came to a stop - shortly after the incident occurred, to "a scary scene." She
watched as police officers apprehended the suspect and heard onlookers describing how they performed CPR on the injured."I watched it all
happen, but didn't really take it all in until after it ended," she said.Nolan has lived in the area for almost two years and "just loves
its whole multicultural feel."She lives on her own and said she finds the community safe."I would never let this deter me," she said.Late
Monday evening, Irene Lan, who said she had not been following the news all day, arrived in the area, hoping to pick up dinner from her
favorite Korean restaurant.She was bewildered to find what is usually a bustling street transformed into something resembling a ghost
town."It's absolutely shocking," she said.Sunnybrook Hospital, a trauma center near the site, said it had received 10 victims, all of them
Two were pronounced dead, five patients were in critical condition and the rest were in serious condition, according to Dan Cass, the
hospital's executive vice president. People embrace as they lay candles and leave messages at a memorial for victims of the crash
(AFP)While Canadians are proud of living in a country where crime rates are generally low and ethnic diversity is celebrated rather than
feared, several terrorism-related incidents in recent years have reminded the public that Canada is not immune to the kinds of events that
have struck Europe and the United States."I can assure the public all our available resources have been brought in to investigate this
tragic situation," Toronto Police Services Deputy Chief Peter Yuen told reporters Monday, according to the AP.In September, Abdulahi Hasan
Sharif was arrested in Edmonton, Alberta, after two related incidents on the same evening
In the first one, Sharif, a Somali refugee, is alleged to have rammed into a police officer who was at a police roadblock near a sports
He then stabbed the police officer and escaped
A few hours later, the same man is alleged to have rammed into four pedestrians with a rental van
No one was killed, but Sharif faces multiple counts of attempted murder.In Quebec City, on the other side of the country, Alexandre
Bissonnette is in court this week in a pre-sentencing hearing after pleading guilty last month to six counts of first-degree murder in the
shooting of six Muslim men as they attended prayers at a mosque in the city in January 2017
Bissonnette had mental health issues and was attracted to far-right politics and anti-immigrant rhetoric.And in 2014, Canada's Parliament
was the scene of another terrorism-related incident
Michael Zehar-Bibeau, a drug addict and convert to Islam, shot and killed a Canadian sentry on duty at the National War Memorial before
heading to Parliament, where he was killed in a shootout with security officers.(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by
staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)