Shafaq News / The administrator of Sawa natural reserve in al-Muthanna governorate, Turki al-Jayashi, revealed that Iraq's President, Barham
Salih, disbursed 100 million dinars from his own accounts to the reserve.Al-Jayashi told Shafaq News agency that the President instructed
providing everything the reserve needs, noting that he submitted requests that will hopefully be accepted to secure fodder for Rhim gazelles
that live inside the reserve.He added that the President's gift, if spent wisely, will help secure food for the gazelles for several years
ahead, since the administration is planning to start growing fodder in the reserve.These developments come a few days after Shafaq News
agency published a report, in which it warned that Iraqi Rhim gazelles are on the verge of extinction and the reserve might be closed in the
coming 14 days, due to a lack of fodder and administrative differences between Baghdad and al-Muthanna.