Shafaq News / Member of the Parliamentary finance committee, Jamal Kocher, revealed that new amendments were made to the Emergency bill on
Food Security and development.Kocher told Shafaq News agency that 400 billion Iraqi Dinars from the Ministries of agriculture and trade's
share were allocated for the Ministry of Defense, in addition to 150 billion Dinars from the share of the Ministry of electricity allocated
to provide cancer medication.He noted that a new article was added to the bill, allowing the Ministry of Finance to allocate at least one
trillion dinars for lecturers, contractors, daily wagers, and some graduates.Shafaq News agency obtained a copy of the Emergency bill of
Food Security and development, which will be voted upon in the Parliament today. The bill was submitted to replace the budget bill which
was not approved, and allocates more than 35 trillion Iraqi Dinars (24.1 billion Dollars)
However, some parties opposed approving it.A parliamentary source told Shafaq News agency that most blocs will vote for approving the bill,
including al-Fatah alliance.