Al-Hakim embraces the "national service" government

Shafaq News/ The head of the State Forces Coalition, Ammar al-Hakim, on Saturday called for forming a "national service" government that
provides the people with services and restores the trust of the Iraqi citizens.Speaking before a tribal gathering earlier today, al-Hakim
said, "Iraq needs a national service government capable of reassuring the Iraqi people and restoring confidence in the political process and
the political system.""The recent elections resulted in confusing results due to the gap between the number of votes and the number of
seats," he said.Al-Hakim reminisced the election of 2005, "we have to recover this scene and establish a similar trusting environment.""The
presence of a government of national unity and a harmonious competent team are reassuring messages to the people of Iraq
They soothe the society and inject hope," he concluded.