Two ways to choose the next Prime minister, CF

Shafaq News/ The Shiite Coordination Framework set new mechanisms to select the next Iraqi prime minister.A source told
Shafaq News Agency that the Framework leaders met at Ammar al-Hakim's headquarters this evening.The Heads of Badr Organization (Hadi
al-Amiri,) the leader of Al-Nasr (Haider al-Abadi,) the Al-Hikma (Ammar Al-Hakim), and members of the Supreme Council attended the meeting
While the State of Law Coalition head, Nuri Al-Maliki, did not participate.The source said that the CF leaders agreed that selecting the
candidate for Prime Minister would be either by consensus between the Framework and its allies or by voting within its general
authority.Concerning the next government, the source confirmed that the Framework would form "a national government," and by the end of
July, its "features would appear."Earlier, a source told our Agency that The Coordination Framework is pondering three options to replace
the resigned first deputy of the Iraqi parliament speaker, Hakem al-Zameli."The CF forces have formed a semi-formal agreement that the first
deputy speaker shall be a member of the State of Law bloc," the source said."The bloc led by Nouri al-Maliki is considering Atwan al-Atwani,
Mohammad al-Sayhood, and Mohannad al-Khazraji for the second chair," the source added.