Shafaq News / In a letter sent to US President Joe Biden on Tuesday ahead of his trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia, a
bipartisan group of 24 House and Senate lawmakers urged the president to make clear U.S
opposition to Iraq’s recently passed law outlawing relations with Israel during his visit.Baghdad passed a law earlier this year that
makes normalization with Israel punishable by death, a move that was condemned by the State Department.“Iraq is an important and valued
Nevertheless, this law jeopardizes freedom of expression, promotes an environment of antisemitism, and could deter other states that have
yet to normalize relations with Israel,” the letter reads
“As you embark on travel to the Middle East later this month, we respectfully encourage you to raise Iraq’s anti-normalization law
during your visits with foreign leaders and make clear the United States’ resolute condemnation.”In addition to condemning the Iraqi
law, the letter lauds the Abraham Accords and the “boundless” possibilities for the future.The lawmakers write that they “support
[Biden’s] efforts during your trip to strengthen the existing Abraham Accords agreements and expand the agreements to additional countries
We appreciate your continued support of efforts that advance peace in the Middle East and hope you will place continued normalization of
relations with Israel at the forefront of your agenda this month.”Rosen told JI, “President Biden’s upcoming visit to the Middle East
is an opportunity to build on the historic success of the Abraham Accords,” adding, “My colleagues and I are urging President Biden to
prioritize the expansion of the Abraham Accords and push back against efforts to undermine regional cooperation and diplomacy, like the
recently enacted Iraqi law that criminalizes normalization with Israel.”(Jewish Insider)