Shafaq News/ The head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party's bloc in the Iraqi parliament urged the international community to mediate
negotiations with neighboring countries violating Iraq's sovereignty, dismissing the recent Iranian attacks in the Kurdistan region of Iraq
as "aggression" with "negative reverberations".Speaking to reporters after the parliament's session, lawmaker Vian Sabri, called for putting
an end to the "Iranian aggressions" to avoid "its negative reverberations."."The session today frankly condemned the violation of Iraq's
sovereignty by neighboring countries," she added, "the assembly agreed to form a committee from the committees of defense and security,
foreign relations, and representatives from the federal ministry of foreign affairs, in cooperation with the regional government of
Kurdistan to take the necessary measures to stop those repeated attacks.""The Council will file an emergency proposal during the
International Parliament's Association to end these aggressions and interferences, and muster international backing."Sabri demanded the
international community to auspice talks that ensure that neighboring countries respect Iraq's sovereignty and avoid infringements on its