Georgia expresses a desire to open an Embassy in Baghdad, a consulate in Erbil

2022-12-12T08:50:13.000000Z Share fontEnable Reading ModeA-AA+Shafaq News/ On Monday, Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein met with Georgia's
non-resident Ambassador to Iraq, Zaza Kandelaki.According to the Iraqi Ministry's media office, both sides discussed ways to boost relations
between Iraq and Georgia for the "interests of the two friendly countries."Hussein thanked the Georgian government for supporting the Iraqi
He stressed the need to solve Iraqis' problems, including obtaining entry visas to visit Georgia.The Georgian Ambassador congratulated
Minister Hussein on forming the new government, stressing the importance of developing relations between the two countries."Visiting Iraq
and meeting with Iraqi officials will significantly impact strengthening relations between the two countries in various fields, primarily
political and security." The Ambassador said.Kandelaki expressed his country's desire to open an embassy in Baghdad and a consulate in Erbil
and Babel governorates, due to the presence of a Georgian community in Iraq, specifically in Duhok Governorate (About 3,000 Georgians).The
Georgian Ambassador also extended an official invitation to Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein to visit Tbilisi.