[Iraq] - Baghdad, Erbil reach an agreement over the 2023 budget plan: lawmaker

2023-02-28T17:49:04.000000 Z Share fontEnable Reading ModeA-AA+Shafaq News/ Baghdad and Erbil have actually reached a last contract over the
Kurdistan regions share in the 2023 federal spending plan, legislator Haitham al-Mayahi revealed on Tuesday
Following a series of conferences in Baghdad, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the Federal Government of Iraq decided the regions
share in the 2023 budget plan, the member of the Kurdistan Democratic Partys (KDP) bloc in the Iraqi parliament told Shafaq News Agency
The area, according to the agreement, stands at 12.67% of the budget, he included, the current meetings also settled the controversial
efforts that postponed the approval of the 2023 spending plan bill
This consists of the hydrocarbons law, the Peshmerga salaries, and the entitlements of the Kurds in the state
The budget plan has actually been a main point of contention in between Erbil and Baghdad, particularly after the Kurdistan Regions choice
to sell its oil through Turkey
Almost two years after Iraq passed its last budget law, Erbil and Baghdad stay in difference over a range of monetary issues.